HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Maritime Educationvol. 1 no. 1 (2015)

Maritime Students’ English Proficiency and Their Feedback on Instructional Materials

Jomarie D. Navarro | Zenaida Z. Garbin | Edwin M. Agena | Olympio B. Garcia



This study sought to determine the English proficiency of Maritime students and to assess the English instructional materials of LIMA as basis for enhancement. The descriptive study was participated in by 586 respondents, 222 first year maritime students, 189 second year maritime students, 168 third year maritime and 7 English teachers assigned in LIMA. Based on the findings, the maritime students agreed that English is required in their chosen course and is useful in securing a job especially in metro manila area and abroad. On the other hand, Maritime students are incompetent in vocabulary and reading comprehension and fairly incompetent in grammar. Both respondents disagree that the examples for each topic presented on the text manual are realistic, that the contents are clearly organized into units or chapters and that there is available graphics and pictures for each major topic that will let the students clearly visualized the topics. Finally, there is a proposed enhancement in the English maritime text manual and program for marine students’ English proficiency. However, the English proficiency level of maritime students should be improved particularly along vocabulary, grammar and reading comprehension. In this aspect, the institution should give way to the reproduction and utilization of the text manual upon the approval of the text book committee. The General Education Department may implement the proposed enhancement for the English Maritime Text Manual.