HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 3 no. 1 (2016)


Jose Jay C. Roque | Karl Lewis V. Loresca | Jethro Ranier C. Zarraga | Ferdinand T. Gutierrez



Don Lozaro Foods was engaged in producing lumpia filled with menudo ingredients. Instead of having pork and liver as its ingredients, the meat of menudo was replaced by a banana bud, to make the product healthful and appetizing. Both a viand and a snack, the menudo was wrapped with lumpia wrappers, uniquely mixed with grated cheese to add more satisfying taste and coated with bread crumbs and then fried to perfection to make it more presentable to its target market, the Letran Calamba students. The product was feasible and profitable in terms of quality and price as determined by the conducted survey. Purposely located at 103 Katmon St. Looc, Calamba  City, the business had an easy access to the needed supplies and materials.