HomeEducational Measurement and Evaluation Reviewvol. 7 no. 1 (2016)

The Role of Perceived Autonomy, Supportive Teachers’ Behaviors, Situational Interest, and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies on Mathematics Academic Achievement

Carmen J. Riva

Discipline: Education



The present study tested a model highlighting that effects of specified teachers’ autonomy supportive behaviors on mathematics are explained by the mediating roles of situational interest and self regulated learning strategies. The participants were 417 fourth year students in the secondary level who beforehand were evaluated to be low in perceived teachers’ autonomy supportive behaviors. These participants were exposed into series of mini-lessons utilizing 4A’s strategy instruction. The Learning Climate Questionnaire (LCQ), Situational Interest Survey (SIS), Academic Self-Regulation Scale (ASRL-S), and mathematics test were administered after the students have engaged in the mini-lessons. Using Structural Equations Modeling, results confirmed that situational interest and self-regulated learning strategies explain the effect of autonomy supportive behaviors on mathematics academic achievement. The tested model attained an adequate fit (χ2 = 376.795, df= 147 or CMIN/df=2.535, RMSEA= 0.061, TLI =0.925, CFI=0.936, and IFI = .937)