HomeConvergence Multidisciplinary Student Journalvol. 1 no. 1 (2015)

The Relationship of Musical Intelligence and Oral Communication Skills in English of the Glee Club Members of a University in Cagayan de Oro City

Marvin M. Bagayna | Karell Faye T. Batulan | Rosemarie B. Lituañas



This study sought to determine the relationship between the musical intelligence and oral communication skills of the Glee club members using their grades in English 1b subject and the result of their musical intelligence assessment. With this, the null hypothesis was tested: There is no significant relationship between the musical intelligence and oral communication skills of the Glee Club members. This study also tried to prove existing researches on the involvement of musical prowess of an individual to his speaking ability. Furthermore, in the light of teaching and learning process, the researchers were looking forward to coming up with an innovation of the teaching strategy that would cater multiple intelligence, specifically in the aspect of musical intelligence or music smart. This would also address the problem on how to integrate musical practices into developing the oral communication skills and what musical skill may be best used for this development. In this manner, the findings of this study are deemed beneficial to the Glee Club Members, Music Enthusiast, the English, and MAPEH Teachers.