HomeThe Trinitian Researchervol. 4 no. 1 (2012)

Towards a New Paradigm for Service-Learning As a Transformative Integrator Within and a Bridge Between the Academe and Community

Elias Mulenga Sampa

Discipline: Education



The present study attempted to address the need to contextualize the American Service-Learning models to the Philippines amidst contending and overlapping experiential learning pedagogies. Service-learning concept is envisioned to bridge educational goals of students and community development goals as MDGs. It examined the already existing TUA and Philippine practices that may fall under Service–Learning and sought ways to harness them towards advancing a more coherent contextualized paradigm. Data were collected via individual and group interviews with participants, documents reviews, and field notes. It was revealed that S-L as practiced in Trinity University of Asia is ‘student centric’ and wanting in mutual enrichment. There is near absence of evidence of community transformation resulting from the partnerships. However, S-L remains a potential framework that could be enriched to provide a transformative integration within and a bridge between the academe and the community.