HomeInternational Journal of Education Research for Higher Learningvol. 24 no. 1 (2018)

Financial and Economic Resiliency of Consumer Cooperatives in Disaster Context: The Case of Compostela Valley

Jimnanie R Anter | Enrico C Yee Jr



The study was conducted to determine the financial and economic resiliency of consumer cooperatives in Compostela Valley. The study used survey questionnaire distributed to 80 respondents from the three consumer cooperatives namely Malambuon Farmers‘ Consumers Cooperative, Sta. Maria Development Cooperative, and Boringot Miners Multi-Purpose Cooperative. The data gathered were analyzed using descriptive statistics to describe their sociodemographic profile, leadership and management process and financial and economic resiliency. In determining the relationship between socio-demographic and financial and economic resiliency and leadership and management process and financial and economic resiliency, Pearson-r correlation analysis was used. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to know if the levels of financial and economic resiliency of consumer cooperatives vary when grouped according to respondents’ socio-demographic profile. Results showed that most of the respondents were at ages 31-40, with 1-2 dependents, employed, earning from farm and off-farm sources and with gross monthly income of Php5,000 and below. Leadership and management process were perceived as very good but financial and economic resiliency was poor. Financial and economic resiliency level of consumer cooperatives and the socio-demographic profile of respondents showed no significant relationship; however, there was a significant relationship in the marketing efforts of consumer cooperatives and the consumer cooperatives’ financial and economic resiliency. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the perceived level of financial and economic resiliency when grouped according to socio-demographic profile.