HomeTin-awvol. 2 no. 1 (2018)

Insightful Standpoints of Mathematics Teachers on the Use of Learners Materials and Teachers Guides for K to 12 Curriculum

Amelyn U. Delos Reyes



The purpose of this phenomenological study was to describe and understand the standpoints of Mathematics teachers on the use of learner’s materials and teacher’s guide for K to 12 curriculum. The study used the focus group discussion and in-depth interview with the 17 public school Math teachers. From the analyzed data, several themes were generated which demonstrated good experienced such as convenience and expediency in lesson preparation, boost in teaching and learning. Other themes extracted showed that teachers experienced dissatisfaction with content and quality, frustration with the use of mother tongue based language, poor quality and quantity of materials and unsuitability of materials to learner’s level of ability. Meanwhile, there were also several themes emerged about how teachers coped with the challenges in using the learner’s materials and teacher’s guide. These were resourcefulness, creativity and ingenuity, going the extra mile, and translation of English terms in Visayan language. Finally, on the insights of the participants, there were ways which would contribute to the improvement of the K to 12 curriculum. They discerned the importance of the review of learner’s materials and teacher’s guides for congruity and quality of content, accessibility of the learner’s materials and teacher’s guides to learners and teachers, innovation and creativity of teachers.