HomeIAMURE International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researchvol. 17 no. 1 (2018)

Motivation and Organizational Commitment of Public Sector Employees in All Cities in Davao Region, Philippines

Grace Meroflor A Lantajo

Discipline: Education



Motivation and commitment are some of the issues that organizations aspire to improve both in public and private entities. This study aimed to find out the indicator of motivation that could best predict organizational commitment among the 500 local government employees in the seven cities of Davao Region. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and descriptive-correlation techniques using mean, Pearson-r and regression statistics were used to analyze the data that were collected through a 56-item pilot tested and content validated questionnaire. The respondents’ level of motivation was very high and their level of organizational commitment was high; there was a moderate but significant correlation between motivation and organizational commitment; the variances between the employees’ level of motivation and organizational commitment may be attributed to some factors in the employees’ profile as indicated in the city or work location. The result implies that the city or the location of the workplace could predict the degree of motivation and organizational commitment of LGU employees. Thus, it is highly recommended that Human Resource Managers of departments in the LGUs or the public sector may design seminar-workshops that would promote the value of self-sacrifice among employees.

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Mark Anthony Warren Callos
10 months ago

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