HomeSMCC Higher Education Research Journalvol. 7 no. 1 (2020)

Transformational and Organizational Leadership of School Heads: Their Relationship with the Performance of Teachers

Gerardo A. Badato

Discipline: Education, Management



Effective teachers need leaders whose outlook in life focuses on the transformation of the teachers. The study determined the relationship between the transformational as well as organizational leadership of school heads and the performance of teachers in Bayugan South District, Division of Bayugan City for the school year 2017-2018. The study used a descriptive research design. The data revealed that the school heads have manifested a high level of transformational leadership in terms of values development and professional development. This is good indication that school leaders are encouraging values development while at the same time promoting for professional development of the teachers, all of which are intended for the betterment of the school system. The teacher’s level of performance is an indication that they are capable of pursuing more effective endeavors that will help improve the performance of the learners and promote the best school performance in general. It was recommended that the school heads should maintain, and it budget warrants, improve their effort in introducing program for teacher’s professional development. The school heads may do bench marketing activities that will give them more insights into the attainment of the mission and vision of the school. They should be more concerned in sending teachers to regional and national training. The teachers may utilize more effective efforts that will direct their performance to better leaner performance and the best school performance in general.