Assessment of the Research Training Environment of a Private Higher Education Institution in Region 02

Marilyn P Gaoat

Discipline: Education



Research is essential to improve the practice of a profession and is indispensable in graduate studies. This study was carried out to assess the graduate students’ perception of the research training environment of a private university in Region 02, Philippines using a cross-sectional survey involving 86 graduate students. The data were collected using the revised Research Training Environment (RTE) Scale (Gelso et al., 1996). The study found that graduate students somewhat agreed that the research training environment provided positive reinforcement, integrated science and practice, taught relevant statistics, focused on varied investigative styles, instilled science as a social experience, demonstrated faculty modeling, and promoted early involvement in research. It also showed that the students’ assessment of the RTE did not significantly differ based on the number of years they have been in the program. The students’ perception of the nature of the RTE did not relate to their gender, age, and program of study. A longitudinal study is recommended to measures changes in the assessment of the graduate students on the research training environment of the institution