
HomeLCC Research Journalvol. 12 no. 1 (2017)





The study “Factors Affecting Mathematics Teachers Participation in Professional Development Programs in the Division of Lipa City”dealt with the demographic profiling of Mathematics teachers and the identification of possible factors affecting their participation in professional development programs. Demographic characteristics such as length of service, position in the institution, number and level of seminars attended; and IPCRF ratingwere considered. Moreover, the factors affecting mathematics teachers’ participation in professional development programs were divided into three, which are personal factors, tasks factors and work environment factors. Personal factors include teachers’ attitude toward professional development, appraisal of meaningless and appraisal of autonomy and participation. Task factors include pressure of work, emotional demand and level of autonomy and participation. Work environment factors include management support, peer support, and intentional learning support. The purpose of continuous professional development was to develop the performance of teachers in the classroom and develop student achievement. It was a career-long procedure of enhancing knowledge, skills and attitudes-centered on the local context and, particularly, classroom practice. All teachers must be actively engaged in their own learning process, working with their associates, recognizing their own particular needs and the extensive range of activities, formal and informal that brings about improvement of their own practice and the practice of others. Thus, this study aimed to improve teachers’ performance and increase teachers’ participation in professional development program. It also aims to have an efficient and effective learning process, it also demands for changes in the new generation nowadays and it aims to provide opportunities for teachers to learn and grow within the profession, thereby making an impact on student learning. According to a considerable amount of the literature, there seems to be an extensive agreement among researchers and educators indicating that the teacher quality impacts student learning and success. As a result, teacher professional development is paramount to an effective educational system. In terms of factors affecting teachers’ professional development, both the head teacher-respondents and teacher-respondents strongly agreed that teachers’ attitude towards professional development, appraisal of meaningfulness, appraisal of task accomplishment affect the teacher’s participation in the said development. The head teacher-respondents disagreed while the teachers agreed that pressure of work affect the teachers’ participation in professional said development. The respondents strongly agreed that emotional demands affect the teachers’ participation in the said professional development. Both respondents strongly agreed that level of autonomy and participation as well as management support, peer support and intentional learning support affect the teachers’ participation in the said professional development. The assessment of the respondents on the factors affecting Mathematics’ Teachers Participation in Professional Development Program in terms of personal factor (teachers’ attitude towards professional development, appraisal of meaningfulness and appraisal of personal accomplishment), and work environment factor (management support) have high significant relationships when grouped according to their position, and personal factor (teachers’ attitude toward professional development) have significant relationships when grouped according to their length of service. When grouped according to the number and level of seminars attended, the assessment of the respondents on the factors affecting Mathematics’ Teachers Participation in Professional Development Program in terms of personal factor (appraisal of meaningfulness and appraisal of personal accomplishment) and work environment factor (Management Support) have high significant relationships while in terms of personal factor (teachers’ attitude towards professional development) and task factor (pressure of work) have significant relationship. However, in terms of the result when in IPCRF rating, the assessment of the respondents on the factors affecting Mathematics’ Teachers Participation in Professional Development Program in terms of personal factor (Teachers’ Attitude Towards Professional Development), task factor (Emotional Demand) and work environment factor (Management Support) have high significant relationship while personal factor (appraisal of meaningfulness and appraisal of personal accomplishment) and task factor ( pressure of work and level of autonomy and participation) have significant relationship.