HomeSynergeiavol. 6 no. 1 (2020)

GRI Sustainability Reporting in Higher Education Institution: The UA&P Experience

Veronica E. Ramirez



This paper is a descriptive study showcasing the experience of a higher education institution (HEI), i.e., the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P), in generating its GR Sustainability Report, which is in accord with the GRI G4 Guidelines Comprehensiv e option. It employed Content Analysis of Sustainability Reports, Case Study, and Process Analysis of the UA&P experience and feedback. The results of the Sustainability Report were consolidated with the recommendations of accrediting bodies and the findin gs were used as basis for the improvement of academic performance and strategizing the direction of the HEI toward sustainability. These were disseminated to both internal and external stakeholders. Thus, Sustainability Standards are not only useful for qu ality assurance. They serve as guideposts in strengthening education in the liberal arts and training in specialization. When the HEI operationalizes the recommendations on economic, environment, social, and academic aspects, it actually starts a holistic development of the education system, which includes educational content, teaching, and learning process, which are at the heart of higher education.