
HomeSMCC Higher Education Research Journal (Business Administration Journal)vol. 3 no. 1 (2021)

The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Among Micro Business Enterprise in Buenavista Agusan del Norte

Cesar L. Buquis Jr. | Christine A. Maturan | Edgardo M. Miras Jr. | MAREBEC DE LIMA



This study aimed to determine the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic among Micro Business enterprises in Buenavista, Agusan del Norte. The researchers used a descriptive research design method. A self-made survey questionnaire was designed through careful consideration of some related studies and internet sources and checked by the statistician for suggestions, comments, and refinement for reliability tests. Based on the findings of the study, creativity is the management skill that they preferred to prioritize, creating a plan to take advantage of the opportunities of this pandemic and select the best solution to the problem due to crisis. The study results also show that the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on business strategies among enterprise owners has an average of “Strongly Agree,” which means the business plan is always used. It showed that the participants mostly preferred “Price” as their management strategy. They increased the Price of most demanded products despite Covid-19, and the Price of products is dependent on other competitors. It was recommended that the management consider the result of the study, create strategies, and impose protocol to help the business maintain its operations and healthy work environment.