
HomeLCC Student Research Journalvol. 2 no. 1 (2018)





Section 4 of Article II of the Philippine Constitution provides: “The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. The government may call upon the people to defend the State and, in the fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required, under conditions provided by law, to render personal, military or civil service.” In support of this, Republic Act 9163, “An act establishing the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students” was implemented in the year 2001 that focuses on the community-oriented program. This act recognized the youth's vital role in nation-building whereas the State shall promote civic consciousness among the youth and shall develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social wellbeing. It shall inculcate patriotism, nationalism, and advance their involvement in public and civic affairs. The study aims to determine the practices in NSTP implementation in developing nationalism and volunteerism, the extent of NSTP students participate in the said NSTP practices the perception of respondents in assessing their level of nationalism and volunteerism and the relationship between the practices of NSTP and their assessment of nationalism and volunteerism. Also, this study sought to formulate programs to developed to instill nationalism and volunteerism among the youth. On the other hand, the findings had shown that in the process of the researcher’s analysis, the NSTP practices that develop nationalism cited on the common and specific module of the three selected colleges are categorized into two: Preserving Filipino Culture and Encouraging National Ideality. Along with preserving Filipino culture are: putting first the family, neighbors, and compatriots among others; composing Philippine literary works and arts; promoting national culture and tourism through social media; imbuing Filipino values such as makaDiyos, makatao, makakalikasan at makabansa; and maintaining National Heritage. Furthermore, in Encouraging National Ideality are: advocating national independence; attending flag rites and singing formally the Philippine National Anthem; recognizing national symbols; standing proud to every Filipino achievement; being aware of the local and national issues and concerns;remembering and commemorating our heroes’ sacrifices for the country; and patronizing and supporting Filipino products. Likewise, students’ assessment of their level of nationalism and volunteerism was determined wherein the highest was adherence to the nationalistic value of Pakikipagkapwa-tao (human solidarity) while the lowest was pagsisirili (selfreliant). In terms of volunteerism, Pakikitungo (act humbly, concede, deal with someone properly) was the highest and the lowest was the value of Bayanihan. Moreover, the researcher presents relationship between the NSTP practices and the students’ assessment of their level of nationalism and volunteerism. All these findings were considered and incorporated in the crafting of a program to instill among the youth the values of nationalism and volunteerism.