HomeSMCC Higher Education Research Journal (Multidisciplinary Journal)vol. 9 no. 1 (2022)

The Extent of Implementation of the Child Protection Policy and its Effect on Student Engagement in School Activities in San Vicente National High School




This study aimed to determine the extent of implementation of the child protection policy and its effect on the student engagement in school activities in San Vicente National High School using a descriptive-evaluative research method. The study respondents are the students and the school personnel of San Vicente National High School with a sample population of 303 taken from Grade 7 to Grade 11 and a complete enumeration of 50 school personnel. The statistical tools used are mean, t-test, and linear regression. Mean was used to find the extent of implementation of child protection and student engagement in school activities, while a t-test was utilized to determine if there is a significant difference between the responses of the students and school personnel on the extent of implementation of child protection policy and extent of student engagement in school activities. Finally, the researcher employed the linear regression if the extent of implementation of child protection policy has a significant effect on student engagement in school activities. All variables were tested at a 0.05 level of significance based on the problem statement, and the study utilized a descriptive survey questionnaire to answer all queries regarding the study.