HomeMountain Journal of Science and Interdisciplinary Researchvol. 80 no. 2 (2020)

Knowledge Construction Schemata of Teachers in Solving Real World Non-Routine Problem Situation: Their Implications to Mathematics Education

Serano L. Oryan



The study determined the performance levels in analytic geometry, physics, and statistics of students who had used Information and Communication Technology (ICT) through PowerPoint presentation (PPT) as a tool in enhancing the teaching-learning process. The study also compared the performance levels in analytic geometry, physics, and statistics when students were grouped according to sex and according to the type of learning process used. Results of the study showed performance levels in analytic geometry, Physics, and Statistics of both males and females were satisfactory. Higher performance levels in mathematics problem solving aspect, Statistics concept, and Statistics overall were observed for students who used ICT in their learning process compared to students using the conventional method of teaching. In Physics, performance levels in the concept aspect, the problem solving aspect, and overall performance were all satisfactory regardless of the learning method used. Further research is suggested to verify the results of the study.