
HomeAIDE Interdisciplinary Research Journal vol. 2 no. 1 (2022)

Perceived Effects of Classroom Management Strategies on Students’ Diversity Conditions


Discipline: Educational Management



School classroom management aims at encouraging and establishing students’ self-control through a process of promoting positive student achievement. This study determined the perceptions of the students on the classroom management strategies of the teachers. The descriptive Survey Method of Research was used as the study design in which 81 college students chosen via complete enumeration were the respondents. Results revealed that most of the respondents were female, belonging to an average household size of 4 to 7, with a family income ranging from 5,000 to 9,000 Philippine pesos. The students’ perceptions of the teacher’s classroom management strategies in terms of managing the learning environment and individual differences as influenced by varied learning groups are merely Satisfactory. The children believed that the teachers’ classroom management tactics had a “significant impact” on their health, maturation, thinking and learning styles, and interpersonal interactions. According to the findings, students’ interpretations of teachers’ classroom management approaches in terms of managing the educational environment and personal qualities as influenced by different learning groups are only Satisfactory. The students claimed the teachers’ classroom management tactics had a “major impact” on their fitness, maturation, thought and learning styles, and social relationships. Teachers’ classroom management has a significant impact on kids’ health, maturation, thinking/learning style, and interpersonal relations.