The Filipino family in a pandemic: A crosssectional study on the state of the household environment of COVID-19 patients in the
Katrina Nicole B. Abuda | Miguel A. Abad | Angela Nicole D. Abarca | Devann Ross O. Abayon | Harold Emman P. Abeleda | Patricia Nicole M. Abello | Vince Joshua L. Abne | Denise Michelle A. Abrilla | Daniella L. Agbayani | Jill Andrea S. Agreda | Leopoldo P. Sison Jr. | Norbert Lingling D. Uy
Introduction Under COVID-19 guidelines, families are spending extended hours together within a
limited physical space, giving rise to a living situation that can bring families closer together and/or lead
to conflicts. This study aimed to determine the current state of household cohesion and conflict among
families with confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Philippines.
Methods This was a cross-sectional study using the COVID-19 Household Environment Scale (CHES)
as a self-administered questionnaire among adult persons who belonged to households with at least
one family member previously diagnosed or currently with COVID-19 in August and September 2021.
Participants were recruited online using convenience and snowball sampling. The CHES is a 30-item tool
which measures conflict and cohesion through the Conflict and Togetherness Subscales, respectively.
Results The composite median values of 386 participants surveyed reveal scores that were clustered to
the left for the Conflict Subscale and neutrality for the Togetherness Subscale.
Conclusion There is a general increase in household conflict and a non-significant change in togetherness
among the surveyed families. The composite median values, if taken compoundly, imply the existence of
more conflict and less togetherness.
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