HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 18 no. 1 (2022)

An Exploratory Research of the Influence of Organizational Culture on Individual’s Performance: The Experiences of ABC Company

Mariol Christian B. Alvarez | Anne Nicole R. Gonzales | Cherilyn M. Manguiat



An exploratory research was undertaken to investigate how the organizational culture was defined by the rank and file employees relative to its effects on individual performance. The objectives of the study aimed to know the existing organizational culture and the positive and negative effects on an Individual’s Performance. The researchers used a phenomenological and constructivist view to examine the lived experiences of the participants. A self-developed Key Informant Interview guide was used in gathering data. The instrument underwent pre-testing and validation by experts to ensure the validity of the qualitative research. Field-testing was then undertaken to ensure that the research questions will produce the desired data to answer the research objectives. The field-testing of the interview guide also served as a training ground for the researchers in preparation for the actual administration. The study reveals that negative and positive corporate politics is a norm in the workplace. In terms of existing practices, the employees practice teamwork and effective communication but undesirable practices, such as using one’s power in a negative way, exist and are prevalent in the organization. In terms of conduct, the employees treat each other in a good manner and they also have utmost respect towards managers or leaders. In terms of values, the existing values in the organization are hard work and respect. The positive factors that also affect individual performance include a friendly working environment, close interaction with co-workers, and an increase in one’s self-esteem through the leaders, recognition, and training. However, there are also negative factors that affect individual performance: unappreciated employees, being tired at work, and having a bad relationship with the bosses. Positive factors may help improve the organization and negative effects should be avoided and there must be an action with regard to the said factors.