HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 18 no. 1 (2022)

Project Feasibility of Setting Up a Food Truck Business in Calamba City

Amabelle Cristina M. Aldea | Mariah Kim M. Amoyon | Darlene Ann T. Marasigan



This research project aimed to adopt and introduce a food truck business since it is a food industry trend nowadays. Currently, there is no active food truck business operating in the city. The unique selling point of the food truck business is that it will offer a variety of menu of snacks and meals. This will give customers a lot of options to satisfy their needs and wants. Using needs analysis, it was found that there is a possible demand of the products because the majority of the passersby indicated that they are willing to support the business. Strong marketing strategies will be implemented in order to compete in the market. The travel time of the food truck business will not incur loss since the food truck’s plant would be strategically located in Checkpoint Calamba, Calamba Bayan, and Calamba Crossing. The quick service offered by the food truck business will lessen the time of the production process and thus will bring convenience to the customers. This project’s initial investment will be recovered after one year and four months. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the future researchers may start a food truck business in a less saturated area, attend local events, and add beverages, soup and dessert in the menu for a higher chance of success.