HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 18 no. 1 (2022)

HeartAid: Wearable Cardiovascular Monitoring Device with Cloud-Based Android Application

Donne Ezekiel N. Framil | Lester H. Gapaz | Arlene O. Romantico



This project was designed to inform patients’ cardiovascular condition by means of real- time monitoring even without an Internet connection; notify doctors through an Android application push notification for immediate response; and design an Android application that has log-in systems that retrieves and displays previously measured irregularities for the purpose of future appointments with the doctor. The researchers used descriptive and experimental methods of research. Analysis, interpretation, and systematic descriptions of data, interviews, surveys and prototyping were conducted. The researchers found that proper placement of the wearable devices must be practiced for stable measurements. The notification system for the patient is proficient since results are forwarded even in offline mode; however, it does not apply in the push notifications for doctors since an Internet connection is necessary. The researchers concluded that the system is convenient to use since the HeartAid application remained responsive even on offline mode and also accessible because the measured vital signs can be viewed directly on the Smartphones. The Android application is well-organized because of the log-in system that determines and shows whether the administrator, patients or doctors have viewed the results. The researchers recommend the ESP32 module which contains both the Wi-Fi and dual- mode Bluetooth functionality for a more compact design. Also, the measurement of other health parameters is suggested like determining the level of fatigue and stress.