Flipped Classroom in Post-Pandemic: Evaluating Gender Divide and Impact on the Student’s Achievement in Mathematics
Jayson V. Alviar | Leo Jay V. Solon
Flipped classroom in mathematics is gaining momentum even in postpandemic. This innovative pedagogy is beneficial in delivering mathematics content even when the number of learning sessions is reduced
due to the restrictions of holding in-person classes. This study explores
the effect of flipping mathematics classroom on the achievement of high
school students and if a gender divide exists. One-Group Pre-test and
Post-test Design was employed. Fifty-seven (57) Grade 10 students
were the respondents of this study of which there were twenty-five
(25) male and thirty-two (32) female students. Findings revealed that
students improved their scores in the given mathematics assessment
after being exposed to the flipped classroom. Consequently, the Mean
Percentage Scores increased significantly from Low Mastery to Average
Near Mastery. However, no gender divide was found in a flipped classroom. Overall, the flipped classroom can potentially increase students’
achievement in mathematics.
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