HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 19 no. 1 (2023)

Coping Mechanism of Nurses in Life and Death Situations of Patients in Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial District Hospital in Brgy. Bucal, Calamba City, Laguna

Jewel Angelo Adefuin | Rem II Elisan



The study assessed the coping mechanism of nurses in Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial District Hospital. It focused on the effects of life and death situations of patients to the coping mechanism of the nurses, including how they cope with their stress in their work environment, their problems, and their emotions. Using a constructed problem-focused and emotion-focused questionnaire to assess the coping mechanisms of the nurses in life and death situations in the hospital, the researchers used purposive sampling method to draw the 15 respondents from the different departments. Seven nurse-respondents were purposively picked for the key informant interview. Findings showed that the nurses’ responses on coping mechanism were mostly positive. According to the nurses, in terms of emotion-focused coping, they mostly prayed to solve their problems, they always tried to think positively regardless of any situation, and they focused on their work to take their mind off things. The least they could do was to resort to medication/drugs to relieve their stress. On problem focused coping, the nurses analyzed the situation to better understand it, tried to always identify the root of the problem and start from there, and considered the positive and negative consequences in dealing with their problems. They tried to ask people for help when the situations became too hard for them to handle, or at the least, they tried to get professional help. In conclusion, the coping mechanism most used by nurses is distraction and avoidance. Meaning, they think of other things not related to their work and take a break to relieve themselves of minor stress. This strategy focuses on emotions, solves little, and is not very effective in managing the stressor. Through a process of self-awareness, this study provided a better understanding of the coping mechanisms used by nurses and their effectiveness. It sought to make nurses aware of the possibility of adjusting or replacing their coping strategies, according to the needs of the situation. The researchers recommended that the Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital and its management should look into the coping mechanism of nurses experiencing uncertainty in the workplace. This will help in assessing the nurses’ stress at work and identify the most effective way of managing it in order to promote a healthy working environment. The nurses should also develop personal goals that are specific to the nature of their working condition through constant coordination and cooperation among members. Finally, for the most effective coping mechanism, there should be cooperation between the unit head and the nurses through effective communication and coordination.