HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 19 no. 1 (2023)

Providing an Efficient Facility Assessment Service to Cooperative Based Firms in Laguna

Liza Paz Auditor | Jazzlie Concepcion | Queena Marie Mueden



Facility Assessment Service enables the client to maintain and improve its company’s real assets without difficulty of sustaining regular building management. The purpose of this project is to provide a facility assessment that gathers comprehensive data about the current state of the client’s facility. Project’s Long-Range Objectives. To provide an efficient facility assessment service to cooperative-based firms to help them to reduce the operational cost by enhancing productivity through facility layout optimization. Feasibility Criteria. The project was proven feasible based on the marketing, technical, financial, socio-economic and environmental aspects. This study focused not only on the profit but also on its socio-economic contributions. Proximity to the Market. The target market of the project are the cooperative based firms in Laguna. The researchers selected the business location through finding the center of gravity of the target market locations. The distance of the chosen location is evenly dispersed to the target market.