HomeThe Rizalian Researchervol. 9 no. 1 (2022)


Richelle R. Cruza | Digna Minnie PC Africa



This study aimed to understand the experiences of public school teachers towards character education of the 21 st Century Learners. Qualitative-phenomenology was utilized as a research design in conducting the study. The respondents were eight (8) classroom teachers of Bunawan District, Division of Davao City, who were randomly selected. In collecting the data, a one-on-one interview with the Participants took place, strictly following the health protocols provided by the Inter-Agency Task Force on Covid-19. This study observes the Data Privacy Act of 2002 to assure that the data cannot be traced back to their real sources to protect participants' identities. Thus, utmost care was taken to ensure the anonymity of the data sources. The study revealed that teachers accustomed their selves to the responsibility of molding every learner, despite the diversity, to be better individuals in the society. Further, the study also looked on the coping mechanisms used by teachers when prompted by difficult circumstance and that their positive disposition and their obligation to walk the talk are ways that gets them through the challenges. Finally, from the experiences of the teachers and the coping mechanisms, insights were sought thoroughly and study revealed that character education prepare students to be better individuals in the future, and it could be further reinforced when the teaching of character education will be given the opportunity for concrete actualization. Inferably, character education is significant in making further development among learners.


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