
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 1 no. 1 (2022)

Library Resources Utilization and Students' Satisfaction on Staff Services: Impact to the Critical Thinking of the Higher Education Students

Jolly Puertos

Discipline: Education



Higher Education students have to equip themselves with critical thinking to become globally prepared for employment. This study was conducted to evaluate the library resources utilization of the participants; assess the service quality of the library staff; and find out if the said variables can significantly predict the library users’ critical thinking. The study utilized the descriptive-correlation type of research design. There were a total of 384 college students who participated in this study, and they were selected through a random sampling method. Survey questionnaires were used in this study purposely to gather the required data. Results of the data analysis revealed that the participants have high levels of utilization of the library resources as well as in their satisfaction with the work ethics performed by the librarians in the exercise of their duties and obligations. Results of the beta coefficient of the regression analysis revealed that students’ library resources utilization and satisfaction of staff services rendered do not significantly predict the students’ critical thinking.


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