HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 1 no. 2 (2022)

Self-Efficacy, Working Conditions, School-Based Management Practices and Performance of Teachers

Ian Caliba

Discipline: Education



The study investigates the relationship between teachers’ performance and their self-efficacy, assessment of working conditions, and assessment of school-based management practices. The participants of the study are 1,053 public secondary teachers from the Division of Iligan City, Division of Lanao del Norte, and Division of Misamis Oriental, Region 10. The data are gathered through the use of a survey questionnaire. Results reveal that most of the teachers had a very satisfactory performance. They have moderate self-efficacy and have favorable working conditions and are mostly involved in the different School-Based Management (SBM) dimensions. Moreover, teachers’ performance exhibits a significant bearing on time, facilities and resources, community support and involvement, managing student conduct, teacher leadership, professional development, instructional practice and support, school leadership, internal stakeholders, external stakeholders, resource management, and school performance accountability. However, of all variables, only the time best predicts the performance of the teachers. Finally, the performance of teachers is best anchored on the working conditions and the school-based management practices.


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