
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 2 no. 2 (2022)

Personality Traits, Motivation, and Performance of Employees in a Pharmaceutical Company in the Philippines: Basis for Performance Improvement Plan

Angelo Aga Silvestre

Discipline: Education



This descriptive correlational design study examined the relationship between employees' personality traits, motivation, and performance of employees in the pharmaceutical company in the Philippines. Corollary to this, it determined whether personality traits and motivation predict the work performance of medical sales representatives. A total of 125 medical sales representatives assigned at the NCR were selected for the study using stratified and universal sampling. Three instruments were used in this investigation: The Big Five Personality Test by Mcrae and Costa (2003) to identify the personality of the respondents; Work Motivation Questionnaire-A by Agarwal (2012), and the Performance Appraisal Evaluation by Getz Pharma (2018). Motivation and job performance were shown to be positively associated, as were personality traits and work performance, but motivation and personality were found to be unrelated. The strength of the relationship for the first two constructs, however, was weak. Further, results also suggested that material incentives and job situations were significant predictors of work performance. The majority of the findings are supported by the literature review, except for the link between personality traits and motivation in the context of sales, which needs further investigation. Finally, a general work performance improvement plan is recommended to further improve the performance of the medical sales representatives.


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