Vaccine Hesitancy of Teachers Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
Jeanne Paul Raymundo
Discipline: Education
Vaccination is a crucial part of attaining herd immunity and eradicating the virus causing the current
pandemic. Different countries prioritized achieving herd immunity by vaccinating 70% to 80% of the
population to lift the present restrictions brought by the crisis. However, vaccine hesitancy poses a
threat to the entire globe in attaining this resolve. As such, the research determined and analyzed the
vaccine hesitancy of teachers amidst the COVID19 pandemic. The study was conducted in the
Department of Education Morong Sub-Office, utilizing 283 teachers, comprising 54.30% of the total
population, to share their perceptions towards COVID19 vaccination. The collected sets of data are
analyzed through content analysis and represented through descriptive statistics. The study found that
163 out of 283 teachers (57.60%) are still hesitant to get vaccinated. The most identified cause that
affects the participants' vaccine hesitancy is the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. On the other hand,
120 out of 283 or 42.40% of teachers are willing to take the vaccine, and the majority of them believe
that vaccines give protection to themselves and others around them.
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