Case Study of De La Salle Santiago Zobel Grade 12 Students College Application During COVID-19 Pandemic
Sheryll Pulumbarit
Discipline: Education
This action research explored college application experiences of 12 graduating senior high school
students for AY 2020-2021. The purpose of the study is to increase students’ information about
college preparation and to eventually have a framework which can be integrated in the career
guidance program. This research answered the central question: What does college preparedness
mean to DLSZ grade 12 students? With sub-questions: 1. How do grade 12 students prepare for
college applications? 2. In what ways do grade 12 students prepare themselves from high school to
college transition? 3. What have the grade 12 students discovered about themselves during college
preparation? Data collection was done through individual interviews, focus group discussions, and
written questionnaire. Thematic coding was used to analyze the data using qualitative design.
Trustworthiness was established though member checking and triangulation. Result revealed the
following 5 categories on college preparedness: Academic Skills, Goal-Setting, New Beginnings,
Self-Efficacy and Self-Care.
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