Uncertainty, and Fear and Anxiety Among COVID-19 Vaccinated Filipinos in Rizal Province: Basis for Program
Jianselle To | Hanzen Reyes
Discipline: Education
The main focus of this study was to determine the uncertainty level and fear and anxiety level among
COVID-19 vaccinated Filipinos in Rizal province. This study utilized quantitative descriptive,
correlational, and comparative research design. Through the snowball sampling technique, the
respondents of the study were 140 COVID-19 vaccinated Filipinos in Rizal province. Standard
questionnaires such as the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale – Short Form (IUS-12) and Anxiety and
Fear of COVID-19 Assessment Scale were utilized as survey instruments for the gathering of data.
Using a five-point Likert Scale and simple mean, the findings revealed that the uncertainty levels
among COVID-19 vaccinated Filipinos in Rizal province was very high. Meanwhile, using ten-point
Likert Scale and simple mean, fear and anxiety level among COVID-19 vaccinated Filipinos in Rizal
province before vaccination was very high, while after vaccination was high. The study also found
out that there was a significant difference in the fear and anxiety level before and after vaccination.
There was a significant relationship between uncertainty level and fear and anxiety level among
COVID-19 vaccinated Filipinos in Rizal province.
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