
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 5 (2022)

Social Competence and Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Work Commitment Among School Administrators in Selected Districts in the Division of Bohol

Kimberly Muring

Discipline: Education



School administrators are among the essential employees in the world of academe. Studies show that they perform best when they are committed; hence, it is necessary to conduct a study on their commitment as a proactive step towards quality school management. This study investigated the social competence, emotional intelligence, and work commitment levels of school administrators in the districts of Candijay, Alicia, Mabini, Anda, and Guindulman, Division of Bohol with the end view of proposing an enhancement program. It espoused a descriptive correlational research design with the help of standardized tools. The results revealed that majority of the respondents are females wherein most of them obtained only a few Masteral units. Both elementary and secondary administrators possessed “high social competence level”. All dimensions of emotional intelligence were rated “Very High” and in general, they obtained “Very High” emotional intelligence level. The respondents have very high affective, continuance, and normative commitment levels. Overall, they possess a “Very High” commitment level. The respondents’ demographic profile (as to age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, and length of service as administrator) did not correlate with their social competence, emotional intelligence, and work commitment levels. It was also found out that a significant relationship exists between their level of social competence and emotional intelligence which means a higher level of social competence also entails higher emotional intelligence. There is also a significant relationship between the respondents’ social competence and work commitment levels. A correlation exists between emotional intelligence and work commitment. Moreover, no significant difference between the perception of elementary and secondary school administrators as to their social competence and emotional intelligence level. Recommendations were given to address the studied phenomenon.


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