Curriculum Reblocks: Blocking the Challenges of Senior High School Students and Teachers in Modular Distance Learning in Light of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP)
Francia Raymar
Discipline: Education
This research aimed to analyze the experienced learning challenges of the senior high school students
and transferees as well as the experienced instruction-related challenges of the teachers toward
responsive method of delivering the modular distance learning in light of Basic Education Learning
Continuity Plan. The research used explanatory case study. Purposive sampling was used among the
four (4) teachers and ten (10) student-participants. Data were collected using triangulated
instrumentations including the structured interview, observations, and archival analysis. Thematic
content analysis is employed to interpret qualitative data. Findings revealed that the senior high
school students experienced lack of learning focus, mismanagement of time, and lack of learning
support. The transferred students also experienced the same with additional challenge on curriculum
programming. As to the teachers, full participation of the students in modular instruction was the
main concern. Curriculum Reblocks of Modular Distance Learning Delivery was developed based
on the findings and resulted to numerous advantages for students to sustain momentum of learning,
to maximize their focus, and to easily manage learning activities while the teachers find it easier to
monitor students’ progress and implement differentiated interventions to support students’ learning.
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