HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 5 (2022)

Implementation of DepEd Support Programs: Basis for an Enhanced Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism

Ronilo Palingcod

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to assess the level of implementation of support programs and the level of efficiency of the existing monitoring and evaluation of programs in public secondary schools of the 3rd congressional district of Bohol in school year 2018-2019. The survey method was employed using a self-made questionnaire. The gathering tool underwent pilot testing and the reliability was good. In the actual survey, detailed explanation was provided by the researcher which guided the respondents in answering the items properly. They were informed, beforehand, that data confidentiality was an essential consideration and that whatever their responses may be, the data gathered including their personal identity will be held confidential. Questionnaires were retrieved right away and then the gathered data were statistically treated to test the hypotheses. After data gathering, it was revealed that there was difference in the level of implementation of support programs and in the level of efficiency of the existing M&E mechanism used which meant that the two major categories of programs were not in the same way implemented, monitored and evaluated in the schools. It was concluded that School Health and Nutrition Programs (SHNP) were likely given higher priority in terms of program implementation, monitoring and evaluation than Dropout Reduction Programs (DORP). Hence, an enhanced monitoring and evaluation tool was developed to guide all concerned individuals in the future implementation, monitoring and evaluation of support programs in the Department of Education.


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