HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 10 (2022)

English Proficiency Level and Scholastic Performance of Grade 11 Students in a Private Higher Education Institution: Basis for an Intervention Material

Barbara Azarcon | Consolacion Zabala

Discipline: Education



The study determined the English proficiency level of the Grade 11 students and their scholastic performance in Reading and Writing, an English course in the curriculum. She identified the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, type of school where they finished their junior high school, their academic strand, their English proficiency level, and their scholastic performance in the said course. After which, she investigated if there was a significant difference in the English proficiency level of the respondents when grouped according to their profile and if there was a significant relationship between the English proficiency level and the scholastic performance. The findings revealed that out of 1,970 respondents (Mage = 16.7, SD = 0.702), the majority of them were females (65.3%) who came from a public school in Grade 10 (76.7%) and primarily enrolled in STEM academic strand (48.9%). On the other hand, respondents reported Approaching Proficiency scores on English proficiency exam (M = 63.4, SD = 13.4, on a scale of 0-100), and they got high scores (Very Satisfactory) on scholastic performance (M = 90.3, SD = 5.38, on a scale of 0-100). Furthermore, the results depicted no significant differences in the students’ English proficiency level when their age and gender were considered, but there were differences on the type of school where they finished Grade 10 and on the academic strand. It was likewise revealed that there was a small, positive, and statistically significant relationship between the English proficiency level and their scholastic performance, r (N = 1970) =.252, p < .001. This means that those who reported higher English proficiency levels also reported higher scholastic performance. The researcher recommended using intervention materials or curated supplementary materials in Reading and Writing to help the students improve their scores in the English proficiency level.


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