HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 7 (2022)

College Student-Athletes’ Career Adaptability

Jaffy Glenn Guillena

Discipline: Education



Talented student-athletes attempting to sustain academic and occupational training alongside the increasing demands of their athletic career often encounter difficulties, including lower vocational readiness and the challenge of adapting to life after their term in the school varsity (Tatiana et al., 2016). The purpose of this study is to investigate the career adaptability of the college studentathletes. This study can be a scientific source of data that could guide the school administration towards adopting more workable structures for holistic formation of students through sports. A total of 221 college student-athletes were conveniently surveyed using the universal sampling technique. Descriptive statistics and multiple linear regressions were used to examine the college studentathletes’ career adaptability. The findings show that certain personality traits are significantly correlated with career self-efficacy where increase in the college student-athletes’ career self-efficacy increases too their career adaptability. Findings further show that the variation of college studentathletes’ career adaptability is due to career self- efficacy and personality traits and randomness of the variables and other factors. Results also suggest the importance of providing activities and programs for the development of students’ personality traits and positive attitude towards work for higher career adaptability.


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