HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 2 (2022)

Enriching the Teaching of Pie Chart Using Cooperative Learning as a Strategy: A Quasi-Experimental Research

Jean Cariaga | Gina Rose Tomada | Joan Velonta | Khimlyn Villagonzalo | Glydel Jean Gaco | Jessel Ugbaniel | Trisha Mae Lañojan | Farrah Eunice Lazarraga | Chilyn Segovia | Restita Antiga | Rubilyn Neri | Rovelyn Seares | Analisa Navarro | Rio Tamondoc | Jiselle Mae Gimeno | Menchie Palomar | Ruffa Mae Empis | Kame Geraldine Dales | Cecille Viscayno | Elisa Tapales | Jingoy D Taneo | Antonieta Minyamin | Zandro O. Perez | Cyril Cabello

Discipline: Education



There is myriad of strategies that can be employed in the classroom. One of these is the Cooperative Learning. Because cooperative learning is a common strategy, it will just be used in different topics without considering its effectiveness in a particular topic. Thus, little attention is given to test how effective this strategy is. This study endeavored to assess if cooperative learning can make the discussion of pie chart an engaging one. The study used Quasi-Experimental research design in fulfilling its objectives. The respondents are grade 6 learners studying at Langin Elementary School in Ronda, Cebu, Philippines. There are 30 respondents in total in both control (15) and experimental (15). The experimental group garnered the mean of 11.47 and the control group mean with 9 in the pretest. While in the posttest, the experimental group garnered 19.33 and the control group landed on 17.60. With the 0.05 significance level, the results between the pretest and posttest of the two groups were found to be significant (p-value= 0.00). This is a realization that strategies can possibly constitute a significant difference. In this study, both the traditional way of teaching the topic and the one that is being introduced marked significantly. Thus, it is recommended to have this strategy tested in different topics in Mathematics and other subjects wherein the findings of this study can be verified.


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