HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 12 (2022)

Modelling SMEA Implementation: The Implementers’ Perspectives

Jerelyn R. Amigo | Betelino V. Amigo

Discipline: Education



The challenges of school monitoring and evaluation (M&E) implementation and the scarcity of literature discussing factors of successful SMEA implementation prompted this initiative to devise a model illustrating how SMEA factors were directly influencing the efficiency of school improvement processes. Using a sequential exploratory design to generate indicators and components of SMEA from the implementers’ perspective, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was utilized to extract and group the factors to determine the emerging components. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the reliability of the instrument. The model depicting interrelationship among SMEA components was costumed fit using a structural equation modeling and was interpreted using Cohen’s effect size strength of association. Five factors derived from varying perspectives of SMEA implementation were extracted and were categorized as (1) the implementers’ appreciation of SMEA benefits, (2) school engagement towards good SMEA practices, (3) SMEA’s support to quality instruction, (4) SMEA challenges and limitations, and (5) knowledge and skills of SMEA implementers. Among these, four components emerged as significantly interrelated and were contributory to successful SMEA implementation. This strength of positive correlation was illustrated in a model which described how the implementers’ appreciation of SMEA benefits supported the enhanced appraisal of the quality of the teaching and learning process. Hence, extensive research is recommended for deepening each component to sustain and refine the system.


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