Improving the Teaching of TLE-Garment Construction Through Recorded Video Lessons (RVL) as Supplementary Learning Tool
Ellanie Temple
Discipline: Education
This research aimed to determine the efficacy of recorded video lessons as a supplementary teaching method in TLE-Garment Construction for Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLEd) 2nd-year students at Cebu Technological University Barili Campus during the School Year 2021-2022 as a foundation for video-based learning activities. TLE is a performance-based curriculum that has been challenging in imparting knowledge to students in today's new standard of education on online learning. Therefore, recorded video lessons were supplementary teaching tools that helped students understand the scope and concept of the lesson in greater depth. This study used a quasi-experimental method comprised of pre-test and post-test administered before and after the implementation of the intervention. It assessed the respondents' performance in the different basics of Locating the Body Points, Taking the Body Measurements, and Using Tools Needed in Pattern Drafting. Moreover, core competencies on Pattern Drafting and Lay- outing on Simple Blouse with set-in Sleeve and convertible Collar and Trouser and Sewing Construction of A-line Skirt. Recorded Video Lessons (RVL) utilized to expand the skill, knowledge, and understanding of specific concepts in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)-Garment Construction subject. The study further revealed a significant difference (p-value =0.00) between the pre-test and post-test performance of the students as to the competencies mentioned above. According to the results' interpretation, the intervention improved the students' performance level. It is recommended that the proposed video-based learning activity could be used in different subject matter that entails skill acquisition.
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