HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 7 (2022)

Performance Concerns and Challenges of the Selected Students of Doña Salud National High School: Basis for Contextualized Performance Transparency System

Vergel Victor

Discipline: Education



This study sought to identify concerns of the junior high school students in their access and transparency of grades and to develop a contextualized strategy to address their concerns. Qualitative method was used specifically, descriptive phenomenological research design where interview guide was used in the focus group discussion to gather the relevant data. This locale was in Doña Salud National High School. Purposive Criteria sampling technique was applied with the participation of four (4) junior high school students. Narrative Thematic Analysis was used to analyze the gathered data. The students encountered issues on demotivation, objectivity, failed expectations. The common concerns of the students deal with need for open access of their scores where they can monitor their performance and received the credible grades they deserve. The Contextualized Performance Transparency System (CPETS) was developed using both conventional printed performance sheets and modified e-class record. This was only limited to the junior high school students of Doña Salud National High School of San Narciso II District of DepEd Quezon in the school year 2021 – 2022, the identified issues on grade transparency which imply the need for collaborative action that can be communicatively resolved by the blended power of traditional and technologically-aided means through CPETS.


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