
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 3 (2022)

Operational Efficiency of the Restaurants in Municipality of Moalboal, Cebu

Christian Silvano | Twinkle Star Damasco | ELISHEBA S. PADILLO

Discipline: Education



The core function of a restaurant is to make all the customers happy and satisfied through efficient operational processes. This paper determined the operational efficiency of the selected restaurants of Moalboal, Cebu, Philippines. Specifically, the level of customer satisfaction in terms of the kind of product that the restaurant is offering, the different policies observed, the people who operate the restaurant, the processes performed and its proactivity. Resource-Based Theory was used in this study. This paper utilized the descriptive research design. Simple random sampling was used. There were 18 managers and 108 customers for a total of 126 respondents who participated the study. Simple descriptive statistics were used to interpret the data gathered. The operational efficiency for both kitchen and dining operations are outstanding. Stock of Ingredients was considered very efficient and plays a vital contribution in restaurant’s operational efficiency with in terms of degree of efficiency. Sustainability of Cleanliness was ranked the highest in terms of Restaurant’s Aspect in Dining Operation and an essential part of customer service. Interchanging cost of commodities was considered a major problem in the Restaurant’s Kitchen Operation. The customers are satisfied with the 4Ps (Product, Policies, People, Processes and Proactivity). However, it can be gleaned that the long waiting time can be one of the contributing factors for customer dissatisfaction. With this, an action plan for an efficient business operation enhancement on operational efficiency was proposed.


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