Factors Influencing Academic Performance in English of Grade 11 Students TVL Track in the Schools Division of Quezon: Basis for Policy Intervention
Myreen De Los Santos
Discipline: Education
This study aimed to determine the factors influencing academic performance in English of Grade 11 TVL students in the Schools Division of Quezon. It described the important numerical data through the use of tables. The respondents profile and the factors influencing academic performance in English were statistically treated using percentage, mean and Kruskal –Wallis H test. This study used descriptive method of research. This investigation found out that Grade 11 students TVL track are in the “very satisfactory” level in terms of Academic Performance in Reading and Writing. Consequently, the level of influence in student-related factors got a mean of 3.27 which is “Influential”. The level of influence of teacher-related factors got a mean of 3.72 which is “More Influential”. There is a strong relationship between the level of influence of the student-related factors, teacher-related factors and the academic performance of Grade 11 students TVL track in Reading and Writing. As a result, there shall be a policy intervention that will provide differentiated instruction and apply appropriate teachers? personality traits in teaching and learning process. It must be responsive to the level and needs of the learners along with the development of student attitude towards learning English as a global language and a means of communication.
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