HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 9 (2023)

Financial Literacy, Perspectives and Practices of Entrepreneurs in the Nueva Vizcaya Agricultural Terminal (NVAT)

Myra Faye Esquibal

Discipline: Education



This study focused on the assessment of the level of financial literacy, perspectives and practices of entrepreneurs in the Nueva Vizcaya Agricultural Terminal (NVAT). Specifically, it targeted to determine these aspects of financial management in terms of other sources of income, expenditures, savings, investments and loans; including the identification of interrelationships among variables. An adopted three-part questionnaire was distributed 74 randomly selected business owners in NVAT with 0.9859 power using the G*power calculator. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized. It was found that the financial literacy of the business owners was satisfactory, exhibiting a positive financial perspective and good financial practices. Constraints in financial literacy have a significant strong association with the financial perspectives of the respondents in terms of other sources of income, expenditures, savings, investments and loans. Lastly, financial literacy also exhibited a significant relationship with components of financial practices in terms of access and information about the financial obligations.


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