HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 8 (2022)

Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Learners in Mathematics Amidst Pandemic

Benjamin Mijares III

Discipline: Education



The study aimed at investigating the relationship between parental involvement and learners’ perceived attitude to their academic performance in Mathematics. To achieve this aim, the researcher used a sample of 134 parents and learners from grades 4-6 at Bungahan Elementary School. The researcher used the descriptive-correlational method of research, which utilized standardized questionnaires from published research. The study clearly revealed that learners’ attitudes toward Mathematics do not affect their academic performance in Mathematics. The result of the correlational analysis is that learners’ perceived attitudes in Mathematics such as (a) Motivation and Support, (b) Anxiety in Learning, (c) Self-Efficacy in Learning Mathematics do not significantly affect their academic performance in Mathematics as these perceived attitudes got a significant level of greater than 0.05, therefore, the null hypothesis was accepted. However, among the different ways of parental involvement stated in the study, only the mentoring strategies provided by the parents during the indicated school year have been effective in increasing their performance in Mathematics. There is a significant relationship between the mentoring strategies of parents and learners’ academic performance; p= 0.016 (<0.05), which means a p-value smaller than 0.05 suggests that the correlation is statistically significant (at the 5 % level). The correlation coefficient for this is -0.253, which is negative. In other words: as the Mentoring Strategies increase, Learners’ Academic Performance decreases. Concerning the strength of the correlation, -0.253 can be said to be weak. Nevertheless, it is critical to investigate how parents can assist and contribute to their children's academic success. Conclusions were drawn and recommendations were offered.


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