A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the in Vitro Antiuroliathic Studies Utilizing Medicinal and Herbal Plants
Danica Amor Landero
Discipline: Education
Urolithiasis is one of the conditions that has found its medicine in nature. This research was conducted using a systematic review and meta-analysis of published journals from a number of reputable research sources. The goal of this meta-analysis is to find out whether medicinal and herbal plants have antiurolithiatic properties in in-vitro research. The heterogeneity between the studies was minimized by summarizing the various types of plant extracts used and evaluating the capacity of various solvents to prevent calcium oxalate formation, and the data were analyzed according to the percentage dissolution. The results revealed that the aqueous extracts of Kalanchoe pinnata, Chloris barbata , Gossypium Herbaceum Linn, Vigna radiata, and Euphorbia thymifolia Linn; methanolic extracts of Mentha piperita, and Vigna Mungo Linn; ethanolic extracts of Chloris barbata, Gossypium Herbaceum Linn, Euphorbia thymifolia Linn, Piper nigrum, and Syzygium cumini; hydroalcoholic extract of Euphorbia thymifolia Linn and butanolic extract of Digitaria sanguanalis exhibited antiurolithiatic effects since they significantly reduced calcium oxalate accumulation based on high percentage dissolution of the experimental kidney stone by the plant extracts as compared to the standard drugs used. The findings of this study can be used as a guideline for future researchers studying medicinal and herbal plants native to the Philippines.
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