HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 4 (2022)

The Extent of Work Burnout on Distance Learning Delivery Modality: Inputs to an Intervention Program

Bernadette Lazarte

Discipline: Education



The sudden shift in the delivery mode of learning has tremendously affected the teachers. The multi- tasking role of teachers which includes the preparation for the learning materials, including printing self-learning modules that would be distributed to students, teachers are also attending webinars and completing courses on different learning modalities. These indefatigable tasks and assignments of teachers result to work burnout. Thus, countering the effects of work burnout in the workplace should be prioritized in order to maintain the salient role of teachers being the second parent of the learners. The results of the research revealed the following findings: (1) The teacher respondents perceived the four aspects of work burnout as Low Extent: (a) Physical Aspect, Emotional Aspect, (c) Mental Aspect and (d) Social Aspect and (2) A physical fitness program was formulated out of the results of the study. The findings implied that the teacher respondents have low extent of work burnouton the physical, emotional, mental and social aspects and a proposed physical fitness program needs to be upheld to the teacher respondents to intensify their physical stamina against work-related burnout. It is recommended that teacher respondents should undergo to a physical fitness program, the proposed physical fitness program developed by the researchers should be endorsed for validation and approval of the school head of Burgos National High School- Sorrento Extension and parallel research should be conducted by future researchers in order to gain deeper understanding about the present research.


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