The Effect of Structured Game Using Algebra Tiles in Learning Multiplication of Binomials
Apple Mae Valencia
Discipline: Education
This study was conducted among the Grade 9 students at Kidapawan City National High School to find empirical evidence that the use of Structured Games using Algebra Tiles in Learning Binomials is more effective than the traditional teaching method. A quasi-experimental research design was used in the study. The respondent’s scores on the pretest showed that there were no significant differences in their scores, which indicates that at the beginning of the study, the comparative groups, namely the experimental and the control group, have the same level of understanding on the Multiplication of Binomials. The result of the post-test indicated that the scores of the experimental are higher than the control group. The gain scores of the experimental group were greater compared to the control group. The gain score of the experimental group and control group had significant difference. It was further concluded that the utilization of game and Algebra tiles in learning Multiplication of Binomials improved students learning. Thus, manipulative games help students visualize and solve the problem.
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