HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 9 (2023)

Transitional Experiences of STEM Students in Learning General Physics at Notre Dame of Marbel University – Integrated Basic Education Department

Myrr Dane S. Aliligay | Jorwin Ace R. Barrientos | Mark Ethan Cordero | Clarenz Dela Rosa | Jude Mike Dela Rosa | Chrysler John R. Villarias | Justine Mercado

Discipline: Education



General Physics is considered to be one of the most complex subjects in STEM education. Learning Physics is often seen as difficult to learn, with the additional adversities of transitioning between different learning modalities have caused students to lack motivation in learning the subject. This study aimed to describe the experiences of STEM students in learning General Physics specifically their learning strategies, coping mechanism, and difficulties faced on the sudden shift of transition. There were six themes that emerged in this study: Concrete Learning Experience, Lack of Fundamental Knowledge, Teaching Styles, Time Constraints, Cooperative Group Learning and Individualistic Learning. It was realized in this study that most of the students experienced challenges due to the lack of fundamental knowledge and the complexity of the course. Moreover, the results showed that the students have significantly improve their learning outcomes with the return of faceto-face learning modality. It is also recommended for future research to explore the experiences of students in other schools in learning subjects other than Physics and compare the results of the current study


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