HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 10 (2023)

Case Study: the Assessment of Maturity Level of MSU-Maguindanao IT Governance

Bai Rafsan-Zahna Mama | Ma. Rowena Raguin Caguiat

Discipline: Education



IT governance plays a role in every SME and different organization. This study will provide an overview of IT governance and COBIT framework. This paper is a single-case study method that aims to evaluate the maturity level of MSU-Maguindanao IT governance, particularly with an emphasis on the selected process under the financial management area using the COBIT 5 framework. The results of this study verified the current overall average maturity level of IT services was on a scale of 2 (Managed Level) with a partial status compliance value of 49%. On the contrary, it was quite distant from the projected maturity level resulting in the occurrence of the highest gap. The results convey that the organization's IT governance was controlled and implemented but lack of consistent documentation and well-structured policies to review, monitor, and asses the IT activities. Further, the organization has required the creation and ratify IT governance policy mainly for IT-related activities. A policy in a comprehensive standard operating procedure (SOP) involving process guidelines and IT governance implementation. Along these lines, the organization will implement a thorough detailed IT process management; On top of that, effective and good governance of IT can speed up the achievement of any organization's objectives.


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