HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 5 (2023)

Information and Communications Technology Skills and Digital Literacy of Senior High School Students

Janine Mae Galve | Ronniel Labio

Discipline: Education



This study aims to investigate the information and communications technology skills and digital literacy of senior high school students in the Municipality of Pigcawayan, Cotabato. This study used a survey method and quantitative descriptivecorrelational design to collect information. Stratified random probability sampling was used to get the stratum (sub-group) of the respondents. A total of 246 respondents, wherein the majority are females; the highest population was on the Academic track, and the HUMSS strand dominates, followed by SMAW, ABM, and COOKERY, respectively. Based on the results, the researcher concluded that the students got a high rating regarding their ICT skills and digital literacy. Notably, they are lowest in data processing and content creation. The tracks and strands display a significant difference. On the other hand, it disclosed that sex had no significant difference in students' ICT skills and digital literacy. Remarkably, ICT skills and digital literacy have a positive and significant relationship with an r-value of .599 which means that as the students acquire more and more ICT skills, their digital literacy is also improving


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